May I proudly present..... my future asian yellow pear tomatoes....they are just babes now, but one day soon....salad! In the background grass you can see my chamomile flowers are sneaking off from the garden, headed toward the trampoline. (so much for a relaxing herbal tea)

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hi..can just imagine the salad later on.. lol..happy WW! :)
MMMM, hope you plan to share! Happy WW!
tomato plants already... only in greenhouses here.
Nothing like vine ripened tomatoes! Happy WW.
That's awesome. Happy WW!
OOHHH i love tomato basil salad especially with home grown tomatos! YUMMY
Congratulations on your future "offspring." I've never heard of yellow Asian pear tomatoes. I hope you'll post photos once they are grown. Pretty yellow flower now.
It must be nice to see "green" actually coming thru. I am so ready to see some beautiful flowers growing.
Spring is in the air! How I wish I had the patience for a green thumb!
Happy WW! I need to plant a vegetable garden. I've missed out the last few years and I miss it.
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