We had a new visitor in church yesterday.
My husband was preaching a sermon to the fathers and future fathers in the congregation, challenging them to become a godly, loving, purposeful example of a father to their children. Very good, very encouraging...
Then I saw the man next to me stifle a laugh while looking up past my husband who was wrapping up his Father's Day sermon. Following his gaze, I saw a blip on the white wall near the top of the baptistry. The men in our church just finished remodeling the front and it looks great, tall white walls sweep up to the dark black ceiling. Between the walls is a stone work embellished baptistry. Very nice. While I was watching, the blip started moving. It was a bug, but it wasn't crawling, it was kind of inching very slowly upwards, caterpillar-ish maybe? It was right in the path of the spotlight that lights up the back wall. I noticed this because the tiny thing was casting a shadow that would get big and short, then long and thin. The shadow of it's head would go back and forth, caricatured by the shadow.
I did keep trying to look away from it and concentrate on the sermon, but I kept staring at it, drawn to the ridiculous. Then it was time to pray. And the only thing I could think of was keeping my eyes closed even-if-it-was-a-winged-bug-and-it-suddenly-flew-into-my-hair. It didn't, thankfully. But it was gone when I did open my eyes. I had to ask Alyssa where it had gone because I saw her watching it too. She said it crawled onto the black ceiling....
....where I can only assume it will spin a cocoon. I was musing with Charles today that by next Sunday we will have a beautiful butterfly flying around the sanctuary.
A sermon in itself, yes? Transformed fathers....maybe it was a word picture, a prophetic sign. Pity if it was just a bug.
awe this is very cool Christie!:) I didn't see it lol I don't understand how all y'all can see such small things like that from a distance as you were? lol I guess ill never understand will I? oh well but very nice blog indeed!:)
Whoa!! Deep!!
Tay...I hope some day there will be some invention to help you to see better. You would freak at all the details there are in the world.
Joann, haha, what is funny is that the story just started out as a funny little thing, then when I was almost done writing it, It was like God put that thought in my head about our church. So perhaps it is a kind of prophetic word picture ! That is what I"m thinking.
oo I like it :) The Church is experiencing a fathering movement, and a family one.
You know what else I thought of, they usually make their cocoons out on a limb, and I've been praying for the Church as a while to have a Zaccheus experience, where they're so hungry for seeing God they will climb out on a limb to see him, and He will come in to their "homes" and dine with them :)
Well the church...and the country....definitely needs a fathering, family movement. Amen sister!
I need to read more blogs by you. You have time..it's summer!
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