June 25, 2008

A little trouble on the field

I have been getting short emails from Charles each day and his notes about the trip are on his blog. These are excerpts from emails Jackie gets from Kris. He gives more details about things behind the scenes.

A message from the Africa team this morning: (from Kris K)

Just to let you know last night some thieves in the neighborhood stole all of the Dina's neighbors electric wire running to their homes. this has caused electrical problems at the dina house I am most likely not going to be able to edit any video while I here. The conference has been going great the local people have been asking us to stay here and continue to teach them. They are like sponges, they cant seen to get enough. John is thrilled at all of the seeds that are being sown here, and has been wanting this to happen here for a long time.

I am afraid this may mean no more emails, although this one from Kris got through.

This is also from Kris a few days ago, on a more encouraging note:

I really wish I would could have learned the language but John said that it would not of helped he had to relearn it when he got here because the dialect is so different then what he learned, it is funny every time one of us speaks it get translated twice in two different languages. Well today is a prep day for the four day conference. My three jobs are to fix the shower head that we have been using, work with Mark and Ken repairing the Jesus film equipment ( if we can get to work we will show it this week) John said it works great helping the local people understand Christ, then If I have time I will prep everything for making the videos that I will be leaving here with John.

On a different note there are two local pastors that we have been working here with a lot they are both very energetic, dynamic people. They work extremely well together yet do not speak a word of English. Their names are Dino he is the funny one and Orlando he would make a great youth pastor in the states. I have been working on teaching Dino a little English I figured that would be easier than me learning the local language. He is a very quick learner and can already say good morning, how are you?, I am fine, My name is Dino. I have some video of him wearing my cowboy hat I'll show you when I get home.

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