August 28, 2007

Wordless Wednesday: Blazing sky

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Someone needs to inform the city of Phoenix that 112F is a little too hot for almost September! (actually this picture is of the Great Sand Dunes in Colorado, but it seemed appropriate for today here)

***To see more entries or to join in and do your own, go to Wordless Wednesday or 5 Minutes for Mom.***


Bernie said...

Ok, 112F is a little to hot, but we had 28C for two days in a row, and it is supposed to be winter!!!

Great pic, lovely shot!!

Happy WW!!

Unknown said...

112! OK I knew there is a reason I don't mind the high cost of living here in the east bay area of California : ) It was just over 90 today and that is as hot as it has been most of the summer.

Ingrid said...

I wished we had a little of this heat over here the summer so far was cold ! We even had to put the heating on in August !!

Bevson said...

112, don't tell me! I fly on Friday for a business trip to Phoenix. Yikes, I gotta rethink my packing.... Hapyy WW!

Alexis Jacobs said...

Beautiful! Happy ww.

Anonymous said...

112 is way too hot!!! Love the dunes!

Happy WW!!

DebD said...

its actually very pretty, but not necessarily inviting.

Happy WW.

Donna. W said...

It's been hot in Missouri too, but finally we're starting to cool off.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful sun--looks really hot!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, intense. I hear you on the heat. In my area of GA it's been over 100F for weeks until yesterday.

Monkey Giggles said...

ouch that looks HOT to me. It hurts my piggies. Stay cool!!!

Jessie said...

Stunning - but HOT! Happy WW!