November 10, 2009

Thunderless parenting

My junior high daughter had a ball point pen that leaked all over her pencil pouch and got it on her fingers while driving home from school today. But then she reached over and purposely WIPED THEM ON THE BACK SEAT OF MY CAR!!! Her name was MUD very enthusiastically for a few minutes, then I told her she'd have to clean it off when we got home. I told her how it would take a LONG time because ink stains SO badly, "blah blah blah, rant rant rant". We looked up 'getting ink out of upholstery' on google. So she took my hairspray out to the car and after one spray and a quick scrub it came right up.

I hate it when my thunder goes *pfft*

But apparently hairspray will do the trick. (on ink, but also on humility)


Work in process said...

ha ha ha great story. Pfft...

Alida Sharp said...

LOL! But at least we all learned the value of hairspray!!

Susannah said...

LOL, hairspray? Really? What a great tip. :~D

Sara said...

I love the graphic of the smilie drumming it's fingers. Perfectly captures the feeling! haha

Sara said...

Thanks for the comment! That was very nice. :)

~KQ~ said...

classic! Ain't parentin' interesting?!

Kismint said...

Once again, I gotta comment on this, late-though-it-may-be!
I can see Maggie doing that verrrrry easily...