May 1, 2005

A lesson in Ernest

A very cool thing happen today. I was teaching children’s’ church….this is my month to do so. The curriculum was a bit contrived….a story about Jesus as a boy. He was talking to his mother and she was giving him some chores to do. I don’t like telling children stories about Jesus that aren’t really in the Bible for various reasons. So what we did instead was think of some things Jesus probably did as a child….. played with friends, had some chores he may have done, and how he worked hard at school to learn his synagogue lessons. There is very little said about his childhood except the story of him staying behind at the Temple to talk to the teachers when he was about 12. Then it says that he grew in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man. (Luke 2:5)

In the middle of our discussion about what Jesus might have done for fun, this little black dog bursts through the door and runs to the children, sitting around the table in the fellowship hall. It was so funny and cute, the kids just burst into squeals and laughter. Don’t you know that God loves fun….loves seeing us enjoy his creations. Well, the little intruder, whose name is Ernest we found out, was scooped up and given back to his elderly owner who was scurrying in after him, after letting all the children pet and ogle over him for a few minutes. So after they calmed down a bit, we were reminded that Jesus probably had animals to take care of and how fun it is to watch animals play, to pet them and talk to them. He must have enjoyed that and maybe even squealed in laughter at his own little dog or goat or sheep.

I was thankful for the wonderful object lesson. And I know full well that was no coincidence!

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