September 23, 2009

True moxie

My two daughters went to their See You At The Pole meetings at their schools this morning. My high schooler, Emma, goes to a public school. She said there were only 5 when she arrived, then they ended up with 9 kids. She was excited because last year she was the only one there. Last year she just sat at the flag pole and read her Bible and prayed alone. Today she read some Bible passages and they all prayed for their school and for each other. Then Emma played songs on her guitar and they all sang, then prayed some more. Then they moved into the learning center to sit at a table and have a short Bible study.

My junior higher, Maggie, goes to a charter prep school (it is also a high school).....same part of town. Her cousin who is homeschooled came with her. When they arrived there was a high school boy leading a Scripture reading and then he prayed. Then they took turns praying for their school and each other. They were there almost an hour.

It occurred to me that a few years ago I would have wanted Emma to go to a school with a higher percentage of Christians attending too. But we didn't know about that school then and had to get her right in. And I am glad Maggie has the chance to be somewhere that is encouraging to her faith, even though it is not a Christian school. It feels right for her.

But I can't help but be sensationally proud (and spurred on) that my 17 year old is willing to be one of the few in a very secular environment who stands out because of her faith and life. Even if it means praying alone at a flagpole while kids walk to classes. That girl has moxie!


Tanya said...

That is so cool! And it increased from one last year to nine this year. Can't wait to see what happens next year.

Alida Sharp said...

Way to go girls!!

Susannah said...

Applauding! Those girls are wonderful and yes, full of moxie! (Love that word.)
You and your DH should be very proud. God job Mom and Dad. :~D

Susannah said...

Applauding! Those girls are wonderful and yes, full of moxie! (Love that word.)
You and your DH should be very proud. God job Mom and Dad. :~D

Anonymous said...

I love being a grandma. I love Maggie for going to the pole and how nice that Eleanor went, too. What a wonderful Christian Emma is. Keep growing! Love, Grandma