March 26, 2006

Buff for Mayor....Woof!

Ok, maybe you've read my post on living in Small Town USA, but here is something new. My daughter informed me that our former town just had an interesting election. The current mayor ran for re-election and there was only one other candidate, a dog named Buff.

Only in a small town!

She is no ordinary dog though. Buff is a town icon. She is owned by Scott, the local photoshop owner/photographer in Williams. Almost every day you can find Scott and a handful of other downtown Williams shop owners having lunch at Pine Country Restaurant, including Buff. Yeah, Buff goes everywhere Scott goes, no leash, just faithful friend. (he does leave the dog outside for church though) Everyone in Williams knows Scott and Buff.

The news in Phoenix even had a report on it.

Congratulations Buff! Even though she didn't win, she did manage to get about a quarter of the votes. Kinda makes you wonder, doesn't it?

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